"During [2011] the Year of the Golden Rabbit more than a billion Chinese around the world will think it both prudent and lucky to buy gold. This added demand is likely to push gold prices up dramatically worldwide for the next 12 months, a wave that wise investors can ride by buying gold now. Think of it as the safest, easiest and quickest way to 'invest' in and profit from what is happening in China," writes Swiss America Chairman Craig R. Smith.
Why is it a billion Chinese are buying gold where ever and at whatever price they can, and yet here in the US the demand for gold has not moved at all. What do the billion or so Chinese know that Americans don’t? Well, it’s probably that inflation is coming at them, and us, like a runaway train, and unless paper (fiat) money is replaced with gold or silver, the value of your estates will very quickly diminish to a worthless pile of paper. Did you know the value of the dollar has dropped by 50% since 2000. That means it takes two dollars to buy today what it cost in 2000, The value of gold in that same time frame has tripled. That means $1 in gold in 2000 is worth $3 today. I wasn’t alert enough in 2000 to see what was happening, but I did move out of fiat into gold in time to see a 200% increase in value of my assets.
We all work very hard to build our businesses to the point where they provide a nice profit. I ask that you take a few minutes out of your business day and review the information I am going to share with you. First, let me say, I am a franchisee with KB Edelmetall AG, and as a franchisee I would profit if you acquired gold or silver through my site. As a retired banker, I would not affiliate myself with any company that did not possess the highest integrity standards. KB Gold certainly does. Quite simply, the spread between bid and ask price is the lowest in the industry, and that means your investment in gold or silver buys more with KB than anywhere else.
Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site. It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.
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