The window is closing!
Inaction is going to get VERY expensive!
The short-term and long-term liabilities of the United States combined add up to more than $120 Trillion, That’s more money than the combined wealth of all the nations of the world! My friends, those obligations are so enormous that we can never pay them off with honestly-earned money.
Foreign nations like China and Japan have kept the U.S. solvent by advancing us Trillions of dollars in credit. They see us wildly printing and spending money - more than $4 Trillion since 2008 - and our Government in recent years borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spent.
America's creditor nations quite logically worry that we plan to monetize our debt,' paying it off merely by printing $120 Trillion in worthless paper Federal Reserve Notes when they take away our national credit cards. If we do this, it will destroy the dollar and America's preeminence in the world. The sad truth; Bernake – Fed Chief and Geithner - Treas Sec are committed to that disastrous plan. It’s obvious neither Bernake nor Geithner has studied German history. (Weimar Republic 1913 – 1923)
An increasing number of savvy Americans agree that the U.S. Dollar is going down, just not sure when. They recognize that the soaring price of gold is really the falling value of the paper U.S. Dollar. They are diversifying their portfolios to include gold, which will retain its value whatever new currency the world turns to. Are you there yet?
In plain English, this mountain of US debt is why hundreds of the worlds top analysts and economists are saying that gold is going to $5,000.00 to over $10,000.00 an ounce in a very short period of time.
Buy gold today and get out of mess created by depreciating paper dollars. Don’t watch your hard earned net worth be diluted away.
Let me restate; THE WINDOW IS CLOSING!
People need to know that some ways of investing in gold can be a lot smarter than others....
Gold bullions – big or small?
Big gold bullions are – when comparing their weight price – cheaper to procure, but are unsuitable in times of crisis, as they are far too big and expensive to trade. It is also dangerous to walk down the streets with such a value, and the same goes for peaceful times. Minute gold bullions can be used everywhere and without any problem for anything. Only with the smallest gold bullions are you always able to act. Gold bullions in smallest units have been the calmest haven in stormy times and the safest haven in calm times for 2,600 years.
Gold bullions in smallest units can make you free from cares, independent and free.
This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>
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