This message is not meant to be political in nature, but the facts are what they are.
Everything Barack Obama, the Federal Reserve, and Congress are doing was predicted in startling detail almost two decades ago by a famous Nobel Prize-winning economist.
His name was Milton Friedman.
Though he passed away in 2006, in his prophetic book, Friedman showed how, facing massive deficits, the U.S. government would dramatically increase the money supply; why foreign countries would stop buying our debt; how the Fed would start buying our Treasury bills; and why this would call cause massive inflation.
He even predicted that our officials would claim inflation was no problem at all.
Amazingly all of this is coming to pass! To the last detail!
Make no mistake about it — the Obama administration is embracing massive inflationary deficit spending.
Barrack Obama has committed the government to at least $7 trillion in new spending . . . and warned the American people to expect trillion-dollar deficits for the foreseeable future.
As bad as the US campaign of out of control spending is, countries around the world hold US dollar assets in their vaults as a THE reserve currency against which they print their worthless currency. The perfect definition of “a house of cards”.
And Ben Bernake has released unheard of measures of "quantitative easing" — intentionally devaluing the dollar as a risky gamble to restart the US economy, and the European economy as well. In the meantime it has only eroded the value of your savings and decreased the returns you can get on safe investments like CDs, Money Market accounts, and bonds.
While the media has been falling over itself to praise Obama's "bold initiatives," the question no one has been asking is, "Where is all of this money coming from?"
The window is starting close, Bernake is silently embarking on QE 3 (Quantitative Easing, printing worthless money). Please take a few minutes to review your options. Doing nothing is a plan for financial disaster.
Maybe the lifeboat is gold!
This video tells the complete story >>>>>