Truth or consequences. Rising oil prices due to the Middle Eastern and North African unrest raises the prospect of the double dip again, while Asian buying continues to underpin gold and silver.
2011 isn’t two months old, and so far we have already seen several attempted revolutions in Middle Eastern countries, with two of them classified as successful. All of them have been unexpected and have caught the world by surprise.
We are watching the next possible successful revolution [Libya] disrupting the oil market and taking prices so high that $4.00 at pump will look cheap. We are likely to see those elevated prices negatively impact growth in the developed world.
The prospect of the dreaded, "double-dip" recession is now back on our radar screens. Should food inflation continue to hurt the entire global economy, then words like ‘stagflation' and ‘depression' will reappear in much of the financial world. We are looking at the worst all possible scenarios; our Federal Reserve (Bernake) pumping trillions into the world economy which is devaluing your fiat money and investments at the same time demand is driving food and other wholesale commodity prices through the roof. NEVER in economic history has such incompetence played Russian Roulette with the worlds economy.
With developed world recoveries still tenuous at best and weakened from nearly four years of financial crises, there is little capacity to absorb this new threat. If it does come about, then the strength to survive yet another one of the many potential crises maturing in the last few years will not be there. Many previous articles on the ‘validity of technical analysis in gold and silver markets' have already proved correct and are hopefully prompting investors to reassess their viewpoints on gold and particularly silver.
We are living in a frail world of consequences, all of them unforeseen, yet caused by the faulty structure of the financial world laid down decades ago. The ‘credit crunch' that rippled into the banking crisis, then the sovereign debt crisis was a reflection of greed and the ‘live now, pay later' way of life in the developed world. Each of the consequences of every stage of these crises was unforeseen. Yet each was a consequence of the sanctioning of debt leverage at all levels of financial life.
Today, energy prices are much higher than pre-credit crunch levels and expected to move higher. At the time, much was written about ensuring that oil supplies needed to accommodate both the developed world and the rapidly emerging Asian world, which accounted for half the world's population.
Have oil supplies been expanded to accommodate such Asian growth? No they haven't! The vast U.S. domestic on shore and off shore oil reserves are forever removed from possible exploration by the present President. With Geithner (Treasure Sec), Bernake, (Fed Chairman) and Obama (Pres) there either appears to be a concerted effort to cripple the US economy or mindless, gross economic incompetence. Either way, the results are not good. So there is an oil crisis in the pipeline, consequently, the United States is powerless to help herself.
The governments of the oil producing Middle East have long been secured by the main developed world powers protecting their vital interest of oil supplies. The fact that they were corrupt and kept their own people in poverty was ignored. It was just a matter of time before that crisis erupted. Food and energy inflation provided the trigger.
Will the new governments in these countries continue to support the dollar pricing policies on oil or will they accept all currencies and review their priorities concerning which customers to favor. Probably not, if history with past Islamist radical regimes is any indicator. Will we see prices like $145 if Libya falls [they supply 2% of global oil supplies]? If Bahrain falls, will it bring down the eastern area of Saudi Arabia? If so, the entire middle east oil world will have to be re-done.
In turn, the economic future of the developed and emerging world will change and cause pressures between the different trading blocs that have not even been contemplated. 2011 is already the most dramatic year of this century and it still has ten months to go.
It is in our nature to want our national, political, financial and economic environments to remain tranquil, leaving us to get on with our lives in a somewhat myopic way. Change, when it does come, is surprising every time. It shouldn't be, but we tend to be so focused on our own small portion of the world, it always is. Just look back to the past four credit crunches, we tend to feel everything will right itself eventually, it's just a case of waiting. (Ostrich?) Well it hasn't and won’t.
So what should we do?
- Do not engage in the practice of hope. Hope is not part of this exercise, only realities that are present and real now need be considered.
- Do not wait until statistics from the past confirm our viewpoint. We need to be able to take the factors unwinding now, confident the statistics will confirm our conclusions later. This action allows us to move the front from the back of the queue.
- We need to accept that the gold and silver markets are now global markets. Asian markets are the most robust in this regard so they are now in the center of the market. These encompass investors who do not buy for profit. Western investors sincerely believe that the level of U.S. interest rates will dictate the future of gold prices. The average Asian buyer doesn't even know what these are. Yet, it is the Asian buyer that is having and will have the greatest impact on the gold price.
- We must accept that the world financial climate has darkened and that the storm clouds of consequences are fundamentally destructive. Like the farmer adjusting to winter from summer, our expectation have to be tempered by this reality.. We then act on that.
The catalist of the gold and silver markets at the moment remains rapidly growing Asian demand. Following this, is the inability of the supplies of gold and silver to accommodate this growing demand. A factor that will grow in the days to come will be the change in the developed world to holding gold rather than selling it when prices indicate a correction. This translates into a continuously rising trend line. Asian demand is totally different in that investors there buy to hold as financial security, just as we used to buy houses.
We expect to see this trend start to grow in the west as the developed world declines economically and the East rises.
My compliments to Julian Phillips.
Julian Phillips is a long term analyst of the global gold and silver markets and is the founder and principal contributor for Global Watch
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The U.S. Dollar Is Dying a Death of a Thousand Cuts
The window is closing!
Inaction is going to get VERY expensive!
The short-term and long-term liabilities of the United States combined add up to more than $120 Trillion, That’s more money than the combined wealth of all the nations of the world! My friends, those obligations are so enormous that we can never pay them off with honestly-earned money.
Foreign nations like China and Japan have kept the U.S. solvent by advancing us Trillions of dollars in credit. They see us wildly printing and spending money - more than $4 Trillion since 2008 - and our Government in recent years borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spent.
America's creditor nations quite logically worry that we plan to monetize our debt,' paying it off merely by printing $120 Trillion in worthless paper Federal Reserve Notes when they take away our national credit cards. If we do this, it will destroy the dollar and America's preeminence in the world. The sad truth; Bernake – Fed Chief and Geithner - Treas Sec are committed to that disastrous plan. It’s obvious neither Bernake nor Geithner has studied German history. (Weimar Republic 1913 – 1923)
An increasing number of savvy Americans agree that the U.S. Dollar is going down, just not sure when. They recognize that the soaring price of gold is really the falling value of the paper U.S. Dollar. They are diversifying their portfolios to include gold, which will retain its value whatever new currency the world turns to. Are you there yet?
In plain English, this mountain of US debt is why hundreds of the worlds top analysts and economists are saying that gold is going to $5,000.00 to over $10,000.00 an ounce in a very short period of time.
Buy gold today and get out of mess created by depreciating paper dollars. Don’t watch your hard earned net worth be diluted away.
Let me restate; THE WINDOW IS CLOSING!
People need to know that some ways of investing in gold can be a lot smarter than others....
Gold bullions – big or small?
Big gold bullions are – when comparing their weight price – cheaper to procure, but are unsuitable in times of crisis, as they are far too big and expensive to trade. It is also dangerous to walk down the streets with such a value, and the same goes for peaceful times. Minute gold bullions can be used everywhere and without any problem for anything. Only with the smallest gold bullions are you always able to act. Gold bullions in smallest units have been the calmest haven in stormy times and the safest haven in calm times for 2,600 years.
Gold bullions in smallest units can make you free from cares, independent and free.
This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>
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Contact Wally >>>
Inaction is going to get VERY expensive!
The short-term and long-term liabilities of the United States combined add up to more than $120 Trillion, That’s more money than the combined wealth of all the nations of the world! My friends, those obligations are so enormous that we can never pay them off with honestly-earned money.
Foreign nations like China and Japan have kept the U.S. solvent by advancing us Trillions of dollars in credit. They see us wildly printing and spending money - more than $4 Trillion since 2008 - and our Government in recent years borrowing 41 cents of every dollar it spent.
America's creditor nations quite logically worry that we plan to monetize our debt,' paying it off merely by printing $120 Trillion in worthless paper Federal Reserve Notes when they take away our national credit cards. If we do this, it will destroy the dollar and America's preeminence in the world. The sad truth; Bernake – Fed Chief and Geithner - Treas Sec are committed to that disastrous plan. It’s obvious neither Bernake nor Geithner has studied German history. (Weimar Republic 1913 – 1923)
An increasing number of savvy Americans agree that the U.S. Dollar is going down, just not sure when. They recognize that the soaring price of gold is really the falling value of the paper U.S. Dollar. They are diversifying their portfolios to include gold, which will retain its value whatever new currency the world turns to. Are you there yet?
In plain English, this mountain of US debt is why hundreds of the worlds top analysts and economists are saying that gold is going to $5,000.00 to over $10,000.00 an ounce in a very short period of time.
Buy gold today and get out of mess created by depreciating paper dollars. Don’t watch your hard earned net worth be diluted away.
Let me restate; THE WINDOW IS CLOSING!
People need to know that some ways of investing in gold can be a lot smarter than others....
Gold bullions – big or small?
Big gold bullions are – when comparing their weight price – cheaper to procure, but are unsuitable in times of crisis, as they are far too big and expensive to trade. It is also dangerous to walk down the streets with such a value, and the same goes for peaceful times. Minute gold bullions can be used everywhere and without any problem for anything. Only with the smallest gold bullions are you always able to act. Gold bullions in smallest units have been the calmest haven in stormy times and the safest haven in calm times for 2,600 years.
Gold bullions in smallest units can make you free from cares, independent and free.
This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>
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Contact Wally >>>
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Can You Feel Your Pocket Being Picked?
Since the financial crisis, many funds proved themselves unreliable. Stock shares, stock certificates, life insurance policies, bonds, properties. 401K’s, IRA’s and pensions are at risk. What were your losses from that calamity? The current rate of return on your investment is virtually non-existent. People turn to material assets. Gold in particular is receiving increased interest as an area in which to safeguard money in difficult times. The KB Edelmetall in Switzerland also see gold to be a very good investment to counteract losses and has structured its business around this concept. Since May 2008, the KB Edelmetall in Switzerland is offering an account covered by gold to every class of people in Europe. All deposits into this account will be exchanged immediately into gold at the daily gold trading rate. This protects the account holders' deposits from all currency fluctuations. Should the investor wish to withdraw funds from the account, gold can be exchanged back into currency at any time, at the daily gold trade rate, and it will be available within just a couple of days. The KB Edelmetall banking produces certified currency gold in smallest units, as small as .5 grams (50eu/$65 US). Why use the smallest units of gold? Realistically, in times of financial crisis, only small amounts of gold are useful to investors. Currency gold will never lose its worth. Historically, in Europe gold has always been a good investment.
The one gram gold bullion with a 999.9 purity grade is accepted as currency in all 194 countries around the globe. Gold bullion has been used as a currency worldwide for over 2600 years. Gold coins like the Krugerrand are accepted as currency only in selected countries.
The idea is simple, 100% of the population is using money. But in times of crisis, 100% of the population need gold. Gold currency is needed, rather then gold jewelry, which is something only a few people are aware of. This is why gold currency has been an investment for a selected group of people.
Opening a KB Gold account gives every investor the opportunity to protect their savings through an economic downturn or political unrest. With a minimum monthly investment of only 50€ (Approx. $65 US), this gold currency investment is available to every social stratum to be able to act against the growing currency devaluation caused by inflation and market crises.
KB Edelmetall have their own gold mines and a gold refinery holding a worldwide recognized license to produce gold currency. There are gold storage depots in Switzerland, supply depots in Germany and the production depot at the gold refinery in Turkey. Everything is produced by one company. This guarantees a constant supply of gold currency and ensures the delivery, even if the traditional gold market is struggling to supply. KB is producing Gold mainly for KB investment customers. In this way it's ensured that future generations can use and benefit from KB Gold at the lowest price in the world. Every customer can also have their KB Gold delivered. From investments greater than 3000€, KB can deliver gold through the company owned couriers, free of charge to all European countries. The KB Gold account holder will receive a deed of ownership for the gold in storage.
Alongside regular savings and other assets, Gold is the ideal alternative. Many grandparents are saving money for their grandchildren. Several billions of euros are deposited in savings accounts, loosing their value over time. These deposits, placed as a one time investment into a gold savings plan, makes the future of the grandchildren suddenly look a lot better. A gift of gold for an 18th birthday is more attractive than a savings account.
A very common question is: What does KB do with the cash deposits of account holders if it is so worthless? The same thing as other gold traders: pay the bills as fast as possible and exchange the rest for gold.
The one gram gold bars from KB Edelmetall are accepted as currency worldwide. History also shows that buying or owning gold can be prohibited by the state and in times of trouble, gold can be confiscated by the state. To protect against this, you have the option to store your gold in a neutral country like Switzerland.
KB gold Purchase Plan is in accordance with internationally recognized Swiss law and is unique in Europe. To our knowledge no other supplier has these fundamentals or can guarantee this level of security. A key point is that the purchase of gold is free of charges.
This offer is available now to save your assets from the global financial crisis. We are facing threats like recession, inflation and the devaluation of money from a currency reform, or even worse, a national bankruptcy. By investing in gold currency, you’re better positioned to protect your assets from these threats. Gold currency has never lost its value in over 2600 years and is well placed to protect its value over the coming centuries, which can be proven by this example: In the times of Nebuchadnezzar the second, Babylonian king, the price of gold has been measured at the rate of 350 loaves of bread for one ounce of gold. Today, the price of one ounce of gold (31.1g) is approximately 770€. Now, if we take the current price of 2.20€ per loaf of bread, it equates to approximately 350 loaves of bread.
It goes without saying that gold in the 21st century in Europe has the same purchasing power as gold 2600 years ago. The stability of gold is even more astounding if you consider all of the accumulated global issues over the previous 2600 years, and the amount of people who have lived and worked in these past years, all of those people who have managed to become wealthy with fiat money, only to lose their money to war, catastrophe and currency reformations.
On a final note, here is an excerpt which shows that now is the time to act.
“Gold is still worldwide, the last valid payment method. Paper-money will not be accepted in a extreme crisis. Gold will always be accepted.“ - Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve.
Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site. It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.
This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>
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The one gram gold bullion with a 999.9 purity grade is accepted as currency in all 194 countries around the globe. Gold bullion has been used as a currency worldwide for over 2600 years. Gold coins like the Krugerrand are accepted as currency only in selected countries.
The idea is simple, 100% of the population is using money. But in times of crisis, 100% of the population need gold. Gold currency is needed, rather then gold jewelry, which is something only a few people are aware of. This is why gold currency has been an investment for a selected group of people.
Opening a KB Gold account gives every investor the opportunity to protect their savings through an economic downturn or political unrest. With a minimum monthly investment of only 50€ (Approx. $65 US), this gold currency investment is available to every social stratum to be able to act against the growing currency devaluation caused by inflation and market crises.
KB Edelmetall have their own gold mines and a gold refinery holding a worldwide recognized license to produce gold currency. There are gold storage depots in Switzerland, supply depots in Germany and the production depot at the gold refinery in Turkey. Everything is produced by one company. This guarantees a constant supply of gold currency and ensures the delivery, even if the traditional gold market is struggling to supply. KB is producing Gold mainly for KB investment customers. In this way it's ensured that future generations can use and benefit from KB Gold at the lowest price in the world. Every customer can also have their KB Gold delivered. From investments greater than 3000€, KB can deliver gold through the company owned couriers, free of charge to all European countries. The KB Gold account holder will receive a deed of ownership for the gold in storage.
Alongside regular savings and other assets, Gold is the ideal alternative. Many grandparents are saving money for their grandchildren. Several billions of euros are deposited in savings accounts, loosing their value over time. These deposits, placed as a one time investment into a gold savings plan, makes the future of the grandchildren suddenly look a lot better. A gift of gold for an 18th birthday is more attractive than a savings account.
A very common question is: What does KB do with the cash deposits of account holders if it is so worthless? The same thing as other gold traders: pay the bills as fast as possible and exchange the rest for gold.
The one gram gold bars from KB Edelmetall are accepted as currency worldwide. History also shows that buying or owning gold can be prohibited by the state and in times of trouble, gold can be confiscated by the state. To protect against this, you have the option to store your gold in a neutral country like Switzerland.
KB gold Purchase Plan is in accordance with internationally recognized Swiss law and is unique in Europe. To our knowledge no other supplier has these fundamentals or can guarantee this level of security. A key point is that the purchase of gold is free of charges.
This offer is available now to save your assets from the global financial crisis. We are facing threats like recession, inflation and the devaluation of money from a currency reform, or even worse, a national bankruptcy. By investing in gold currency, you’re better positioned to protect your assets from these threats. Gold currency has never lost its value in over 2600 years and is well placed to protect its value over the coming centuries, which can be proven by this example: In the times of Nebuchadnezzar the second, Babylonian king, the price of gold has been measured at the rate of 350 loaves of bread for one ounce of gold. Today, the price of one ounce of gold (31.1g) is approximately 770€. Now, if we take the current price of 2.20€ per loaf of bread, it equates to approximately 350 loaves of bread.
It goes without saying that gold in the 21st century in Europe has the same purchasing power as gold 2600 years ago. The stability of gold is even more astounding if you consider all of the accumulated global issues over the previous 2600 years, and the amount of people who have lived and worked in these past years, all of those people who have managed to become wealthy with fiat money, only to lose their money to war, catastrophe and currency reformations.
On a final note, here is an excerpt which shows that now is the time to act.
“Gold is still worldwide, the last valid payment method. Paper-money will not be accepted in a extreme crisis. Gold will always be accepted.“ - Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve.
Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site. It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.
This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>
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Contact Wally
Monday, February 14, 2011
International Investors Are Becoming Enormously Rich While U.S Investors Risk Losing Everything
Super-rich buy gold by the ton
The world's wealthiest people have responded to economic worries by buying gold by the bar - and sometimes by the ton - and by moving assets out of the financial system, bankers catering to the very rich told Reuters, the news agency.
Fears of a double-dip downturn have boosted the appetite for physical bullion as well as for mining company shares and exchange-traded funds, UBS executive Josef Stadler told the Reuters Global Private Banking Summit.
"They don't only buy ETFs or futures; they buy physical gold," said Stadler, who runs the Swiss bank's services for clients with assets of at least $50 million to invest.
UBS (Virt-X: UBSN.VX - news) is recommending top-tier clients hold 7-20 percent of their assets in precious metals like gold, which is on course for its tenth consecutive yearly gain and traded at around $1,362.30 an ounce on Monday, near the record level reached last week.
"We had a clear example of a couple buying over a ton of gold ... and carrying it to another place," Stadler said. At today's prices, that shipment would be worth about $42 million.
Julius Baer's chief investment officer for Asia is also recommending that wealthy investors park some of their assets in gold as a defensive stance following a string of lackluster U.S. data and amid concerns about currency weakness.
"I see gold as an insurance," Van Anantha-Nageswaran told Reuters. "I recommend 10 percent as minimum in portfolios and anything more than that to be used for trading purposes, to respond to short-term over-bought or over-sold signals."
Billionaire financier George Soros, echoing comments from investment guru Warren Buffett, last month described gold as the "ultimate bubble" because it is costly to dig up and has no real value except its market price.
But a rising price for the precious metal has in itself generated more and more demand from investors looking for a way to hedge against a fresh recession. Gold bears no yield and is uncompetitive in an environment of rising interest rates.
The uneasy outlook for inflation, hard currencies and global growth has triggered a five-fold increase in a physical gold fund launched by Pictet one year ago, the Swiss private bank said.
UBS's Stadler said the precious metal has become a staple of investors' portfolios, despite questions about whether it makes for a smart long-term investment.
"If you talk to ultra-high net worth individuals, that level of uncertainty has never been higher in the last two, three, four years," he said. "If they ask me, 'Is inflation going up or are we entering a deflationary cycle?,' I don't know. But obviously nobody knows."
Anthony DeChellis, managing director of Credit Suisse's Americas private banking unit, said at the Reuters summit in New York that clients are more interested in capitalizing on the rise in gold prices than using the precious metal as a safe-harbor investment.
"They're asking, 'If it's a bubble, how far can I ride that bubble,'" he said. "I cannot say we've seen a spike in gold interest, but there's an interest in the phenomenon of it."
If you’ve ever bought gold or silver bullion, you know most dealers charge hefty markups. You could end up forking over 10%, 20%, and at times even 30% or more than the “spot price.” I am introducing you to a bullion source that has the lowest spread between bid price and ask price of any bullion dealer in the world.
Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site. It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.
This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>
After watching video, hit back arrow and return to this page and
Contact Wally >>>>>>
The world's wealthiest people have responded to economic worries by buying gold by the bar - and sometimes by the ton - and by moving assets out of the financial system, bankers catering to the very rich told Reuters, the news agency.
Fears of a double-dip downturn have boosted the appetite for physical bullion as well as for mining company shares and exchange-traded funds, UBS executive Josef Stadler told the Reuters Global Private Banking Summit.
"They don't only buy ETFs or futures; they buy physical gold," said Stadler, who runs the Swiss bank's services for clients with assets of at least $50 million to invest.
UBS (Virt-X: UBSN.VX - news) is recommending top-tier clients hold 7-20 percent of their assets in precious metals like gold, which is on course for its tenth consecutive yearly gain and traded at around $1,362.30 an ounce on Monday, near the record level reached last week.
"We had a clear example of a couple buying over a ton of gold ... and carrying it to another place," Stadler said. At today's prices, that shipment would be worth about $42 million.
Julius Baer's chief investment officer for Asia is also recommending that wealthy investors park some of their assets in gold as a defensive stance following a string of lackluster U.S. data and amid concerns about currency weakness.
"I see gold as an insurance," Van Anantha-Nageswaran told Reuters. "I recommend 10 percent as minimum in portfolios and anything more than that to be used for trading purposes, to respond to short-term over-bought or over-sold signals."
Billionaire financier George Soros, echoing comments from investment guru Warren Buffett, last month described gold as the "ultimate bubble" because it is costly to dig up and has no real value except its market price.
But a rising price for the precious metal has in itself generated more and more demand from investors looking for a way to hedge against a fresh recession. Gold bears no yield and is uncompetitive in an environment of rising interest rates.
The uneasy outlook for inflation, hard currencies and global growth has triggered a five-fold increase in a physical gold fund launched by Pictet one year ago, the Swiss private bank said.
UBS's Stadler said the precious metal has become a staple of investors' portfolios, despite questions about whether it makes for a smart long-term investment.
"If you talk to ultra-high net worth individuals, that level of uncertainty has never been higher in the last two, three, four years," he said. "If they ask me, 'Is inflation going up or are we entering a deflationary cycle?,' I don't know. But obviously nobody knows."
Anthony DeChellis, managing director of Credit Suisse's Americas private banking unit, said at the Reuters summit in New York that clients are more interested in capitalizing on the rise in gold prices than using the precious metal as a safe-harbor investment.
"They're asking, 'If it's a bubble, how far can I ride that bubble,'" he said. "I cannot say we've seen a spike in gold interest, but there's an interest in the phenomenon of it."
If you’ve ever bought gold or silver bullion, you know most dealers charge hefty markups. You could end up forking over 10%, 20%, and at times even 30% or more than the “spot price.” I am introducing you to a bullion source that has the lowest spread between bid price and ask price of any bullion dealer in the world.
Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site. It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.
This site tells the complete story on the most affordable gold purchase plan in the world. >>>>>
After watching video, hit back arrow and return to this page and
Contact Wally >>>>>>
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Forget about GOLD and Silver
Tired of hearing all the ads about Gold and Silver? So am I. Seriously. What I want to do is explain in real terms what we need to be concerned with and it has nothing to do with making money.
Look at your recent food bills, your gas at the pump, your utilities, and your medical costs, costs of tuitions and your overall cost of living. Are they noticeably all going higher in recent months?
Why is this happening? We live in a time where none of the world’s currencies are tied to any convertible system; this results in government’s freedom to print out of thin air backed by nothing. In other words runaway paper creation, paper currencies inflating themselves out of existence.
It is vital to our citizens to find ways to protect their wealth before we find out that our own government has destroyed our currencies buying power.
Short-term confusion over economic recovery news has given us all a reprieve, a short window of time in what I firmly see as the eye of a massive storm. As you will see shortly our currency is dwindling away in terms of purchasing power. Most alarming is the sudden rate at which our buying power is dropping.
It is vital that we realize that the printing of money is theft and we are the victims. Debasement and tampering with weights and measures has been a temptation throughout the history of money and banking. It is the essence of a more complex method of monetary inflation.
Thomas Jefferson understood the problem with unsound banking. In a letter to John Taylor he said: "I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." "Paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." "I now deny [the Federal Government's] power of making paper money or anything else a legal tender."
This is why every dollar printed in the U.S. until 1973 had to be backed by Gold and Silver. Inflation was never a major issue in this country until the 70’s when it screamed into double digits and peoples wealth plummeted, it is about to be worse in this decade.
So why are we printing money?
Baby boomer medical costs and demands are unfunded and will require trillions.
States and Municipalities are broke and will need massive bailouts.
Banks have shadow inventories of loans guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie that will demand trillions more.
FDIC, FHA PBGC and FHLB are all bankrupt and will need trillions more.
Military costs are out of control
Medical care costs are unfunded.
Government pensions are unfunded.
This is only naming a few. The deficits we have are long term black holes and they aren’t going away. They will drive currencies and the economy into ruins.
Governments can’t tax an underemployed, underpaid people so they print money for the benefit of government NOT the people. For government adding dollars to the system can work short term and sometimes, long term to prop up these problems but make no mistake it is a form of taxation. The more they print the less its worth. The amounts we are printing and adding to the system is unprecedented. .
Lets take a fast look at the cost of goods in the real world. The CRB Index. Defined, it averages prices across 17 commodities and across time. The index tracks energy, grains, industrials, livestock, precious metals, and agriculturals.
Those commodity prices since 2009 have nearly DOUBLED!
“ Real World Inflation: Now and Later: "The CRB (CRB - Commodity Research Bureau is the world's oldest, leading commodities and futures research, data, and analysis firm.) Index has nearly doubled just since 2009! The index tracks energy, grains, industrials, livestock, precious metals, and agriculturals. We haven't even begun to see the effects of these price increases yet because there is a time lag between cause and effect. Buy gold today and get out of mass-created depreciating paper dollars,"
Now look at Money creation, this is directly off the Federal Reserves own website[1][id]=AMBNS
The monetary base of our money supply is exploding. Make no mistake, this is theft of our wealth, they (Obama spending, Treasury, Geithner creating debt, Fed. Bernake buying Treasury debt) are diluting your savings.
Now forget the title of this article and don’t forget Gold! It will protect you against the upcoming stagflation. Stagflation means stagnant economy with inflation, maybe even, by the looks of things, hyperinflation.
In plain English this is why hundreds of the worlds top analysts and economists are saying that gold is going to $5,000.00 to over $10,000.00 an ounce
Buy gold today and get out of mass created depreciating paper dollars. Don’t watch your hard earned net worth be diluted away.
This video tells the complete story >>>>>
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Contact Wally >>>>>>
My thanks to James M. Carrillo
Look at your recent food bills, your gas at the pump, your utilities, and your medical costs, costs of tuitions and your overall cost of living. Are they noticeably all going higher in recent months?
Why is this happening? We live in a time where none of the world’s currencies are tied to any convertible system; this results in government’s freedom to print out of thin air backed by nothing. In other words runaway paper creation, paper currencies inflating themselves out of existence.
It is vital to our citizens to find ways to protect their wealth before we find out that our own government has destroyed our currencies buying power.
Short-term confusion over economic recovery news has given us all a reprieve, a short window of time in what I firmly see as the eye of a massive storm. As you will see shortly our currency is dwindling away in terms of purchasing power. Most alarming is the sudden rate at which our buying power is dropping.
It is vital that we realize that the printing of money is theft and we are the victims. Debasement and tampering with weights and measures has been a temptation throughout the history of money and banking. It is the essence of a more complex method of monetary inflation.
Thomas Jefferson understood the problem with unsound banking. In a letter to John Taylor he said: "I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." "Paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself." "I now deny [the Federal Government's] power of making paper money or anything else a legal tender."
This is why every dollar printed in the U.S. until 1973 had to be backed by Gold and Silver. Inflation was never a major issue in this country until the 70’s when it screamed into double digits and peoples wealth plummeted, it is about to be worse in this decade.
So why are we printing money?
Baby boomer medical costs and demands are unfunded and will require trillions.
States and Municipalities are broke and will need massive bailouts.
Banks have shadow inventories of loans guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie that will demand trillions more.
FDIC, FHA PBGC and FHLB are all bankrupt and will need trillions more.
Military costs are out of control
Medical care costs are unfunded.
Government pensions are unfunded.
This is only naming a few. The deficits we have are long term black holes and they aren’t going away. They will drive currencies and the economy into ruins.
Governments can’t tax an underemployed, underpaid people so they print money for the benefit of government NOT the people. For government adding dollars to the system can work short term and sometimes, long term to prop up these problems but make no mistake it is a form of taxation. The more they print the less its worth. The amounts we are printing and adding to the system is unprecedented. .
Lets take a fast look at the cost of goods in the real world. The CRB Index. Defined, it averages prices across 17 commodities and across time. The index tracks energy, grains, industrials, livestock, precious metals, and agriculturals.
Those commodity prices since 2009 have nearly DOUBLED!
“ Real World Inflation: Now and Later: "The CRB (CRB - Commodity Research Bureau is the world's oldest, leading commodities and futures research, data, and analysis firm.) Index has nearly doubled just since 2009! The index tracks energy, grains, industrials, livestock, precious metals, and agriculturals. We haven't even begun to see the effects of these price increases yet because there is a time lag between cause and effect. Buy gold today and get out of mass-created depreciating paper dollars,"
Now look at Money creation, this is directly off the Federal Reserves own website[1][id]=AMBNS
The monetary base of our money supply is exploding. Make no mistake, this is theft of our wealth, they (Obama spending, Treasury, Geithner creating debt, Fed. Bernake buying Treasury debt) are diluting your savings.
Now forget the title of this article and don’t forget Gold! It will protect you against the upcoming stagflation. Stagflation means stagnant economy with inflation, maybe even, by the looks of things, hyperinflation.
In plain English this is why hundreds of the worlds top analysts and economists are saying that gold is going to $5,000.00 to over $10,000.00 an ounce
Buy gold today and get out of mass created depreciating paper dollars. Don’t watch your hard earned net worth be diluted away.
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My thanks to James M. Carrillo
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Our US Economy Has Been Hijacked !!
This message is not meant to be political in nature, but the facts are what they are.
Everything Barack Obama, the Federal Reserve, and Congress are doing was predicted in startling detail almost two decades ago by a famous Nobel Prize-winning economist.
His name was Milton Friedman.
Though he passed away in 2006, in his prophetic book, Friedman showed how, facing massive deficits, the U.S. government would dramatically increase the money supply; why foreign countries would stop buying our debt; how the Fed would start buying our Treasury bills; and why this would call cause massive inflation.
He even predicted that our officials would claim inflation was no problem at all.
Amazingly all of this is coming to pass! To the last detail!
Make no mistake about it — the Obama administration is embracing massive inflationary deficit spending.
Barrack Obama has committed the government to at least $7 trillion in new spending . . . and warned the American people to expect trillion-dollar deficits for the foreseeable future.
As bad as the US campaign of out of control spending is, countries around the world hold US dollar assets in their vaults as a THE reserve currency against which they print their worthless currency. The perfect definition of “a house of cards”.
And Ben Bernake has released unheard of measures of "quantitative easing" — intentionally devaluing the dollar as a risky gamble to restart the US economy, and the European economy as well. In the meantime it has only eroded the value of your savings and decreased the returns you can get on safe investments like CDs, Money Market accounts, and bonds.
While the media has been falling over itself to praise Obama's "bold initiatives," the question no one has been asking is, "Where is all of this money coming from?"
The window is starting close, Bernake is silently embarking on QE 3 (Quantitative Easing, printing worthless money). Please take a few minutes to review your options. Doing nothing is a plan for financial disaster.
Maybe the lifeboat is gold!
This video tells the complete story >>>>>
Everything Barack Obama, the Federal Reserve, and Congress are doing was predicted in startling detail almost two decades ago by a famous Nobel Prize-winning economist.
His name was Milton Friedman.
Though he passed away in 2006, in his prophetic book, Friedman showed how, facing massive deficits, the U.S. government would dramatically increase the money supply; why foreign countries would stop buying our debt; how the Fed would start buying our Treasury bills; and why this would call cause massive inflation.
He even predicted that our officials would claim inflation was no problem at all.
Amazingly all of this is coming to pass! To the last detail!
Make no mistake about it — the Obama administration is embracing massive inflationary deficit spending.
Barrack Obama has committed the government to at least $7 trillion in new spending . . . and warned the American people to expect trillion-dollar deficits for the foreseeable future.
As bad as the US campaign of out of control spending is, countries around the world hold US dollar assets in their vaults as a THE reserve currency against which they print their worthless currency. The perfect definition of “a house of cards”.
And Ben Bernake has released unheard of measures of "quantitative easing" — intentionally devaluing the dollar as a risky gamble to restart the US economy, and the European economy as well. In the meantime it has only eroded the value of your savings and decreased the returns you can get on safe investments like CDs, Money Market accounts, and bonds.
While the media has been falling over itself to praise Obama's "bold initiatives," the question no one has been asking is, "Where is all of this money coming from?"
The window is starting close, Bernake is silently embarking on QE 3 (Quantitative Easing, printing worthless money). Please take a few minutes to review your options. Doing nothing is a plan for financial disaster.
Maybe the lifeboat is gold!
This video tells the complete story >>>>>
Monday, February 7, 2011
Year of the Golden Rabbit
"During [2011] the Year of the Golden Rabbit more than a billion Chinese around the world will think it both prudent and lucky to buy gold. This added demand is likely to push gold prices up dramatically worldwide for the next 12 months, a wave that wise investors can ride by buying gold now. Think of it as the safest, easiest and quickest way to 'invest' in and profit from what is happening in China," writes Swiss America Chairman Craig R. Smith.
Why is it a billion Chinese are buying gold where ever and at whatever price they can, and yet here in the US the demand for gold has not moved at all. What do the billion or so Chinese know that Americans don’t? Well, it’s probably that inflation is coming at them, and us, like a runaway train, and unless paper (fiat) money is replaced with gold or silver, the value of your estates will very quickly diminish to a worthless pile of paper. Did you know the value of the dollar has dropped by 50% since 2000. That means it takes two dollars to buy today what it cost in 2000, The value of gold in that same time frame has tripled. That means $1 in gold in 2000 is worth $3 today. I wasn’t alert enough in 2000 to see what was happening, but I did move out of fiat into gold in time to see a 200% increase in value of my assets.
We all work very hard to build our businesses to the point where they provide a nice profit. I ask that you take a few minutes out of your business day and review the information I am going to share with you. First, let me say, I am a franchisee with KB Edelmetall AG, and as a franchisee I would profit if you acquired gold or silver through my site. As a retired banker, I would not affiliate myself with any company that did not possess the highest integrity standards. KB Gold certainly does. Quite simply, the spread between bid and ask price is the lowest in the industry, and that means your investment in gold or silver buys more with KB than anywhere else.
Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site. It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.
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Why is it a billion Chinese are buying gold where ever and at whatever price they can, and yet here in the US the demand for gold has not moved at all. What do the billion or so Chinese know that Americans don’t? Well, it’s probably that inflation is coming at them, and us, like a runaway train, and unless paper (fiat) money is replaced with gold or silver, the value of your estates will very quickly diminish to a worthless pile of paper. Did you know the value of the dollar has dropped by 50% since 2000. That means it takes two dollars to buy today what it cost in 2000, The value of gold in that same time frame has tripled. That means $1 in gold in 2000 is worth $3 today. I wasn’t alert enough in 2000 to see what was happening, but I did move out of fiat into gold in time to see a 200% increase in value of my assets.
We all work very hard to build our businesses to the point where they provide a nice profit. I ask that you take a few minutes out of your business day and review the information I am going to share with you. First, let me say, I am a franchisee with KB Edelmetall AG, and as a franchisee I would profit if you acquired gold or silver through my site. As a retired banker, I would not affiliate myself with any company that did not possess the highest integrity standards. KB Gold certainly does. Quite simply, the spread between bid and ask price is the lowest in the industry, and that means your investment in gold or silver buys more with KB than anywhere else.
Please take a few minutes to review the information contained on this site. It quite possibly could be the most valuable few minutes you have ever spent.
This video tells the complete story >>>>>
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